Can you Freeze Fresh Brussel Sprouts

What are the best ways you can freeze fresh Brussel sprouts?

Brussel sprouts are fantastic in numerous dishes loved by many, and if you consume brussels sprouts often, then chances are you may be interested in keeping them around for longer. If you’ve ever raised the question, can you freeze fresh brussels sprouts? Then keep reading because we’ll tell you all about it.

If you are a Brussels sprouts fan, you’ll most likely want to keep them in stock, especially during days when they are hard to find. Keeping your Brussels sprouts frozen will allow you to achieve just that, this way providing you with brussels sprouts whenever you want them.

Now that you know that you can freeze fresh Brussels sprouts, it’s time to learn about the actual process. Contrary to what you may think, the process is relatively simple, but it does involve a few tricks. Keep reading and learn how you can freeze fresh brussels sprouts, important tips, and more.

Can you Freeze Fresh Brussel Sprouts FAQs

Where does the name come from?

Brussel sprouts are said to have been cultivated in the 5th century. However, it wasn’t until the 13th century that its cultivation and consumption were known in Brussel, Belgium. That’s how it got its name.

How long do brussels sprouts last?

Brussel sprouts last for five days in a refrigerator. After that, their flavor starts to change. So, the most convenient way to preserve their authentic flavor is by freezing them.

Why freeze Brussels sprouts?

Freezing properly preserves the vegetables’ freshness, so you don’t have to waste excess vegetables. This is especially worthwhile after Brussels sprouts are harvested after frost when they taste sweeter and better.

Should Brussels sprouts be thawed?

Absolutely no, though this is a completely valid question brussels sprouts should never be thawed unless you want super mushy Brussels sprouts. After you freeze them and the time has come to use them, all you’ll want to do is roast them, pan-sear them or wrap them in bacon frozen.

Can you skip the blanching step when freezing brussels sprouts?

If you don’t blanch the Brussels sprouts, they won’t retain their health benefits and nutrients; you don’t want to skip this important step.

Freezing Brussels sprouts vs. buying brussels sprouts frozen

Although the companies that offer frozen vegetables also claim these are of high quality, you still can never tell for sure. The reason why it’s better to freeze vegetables on your own.

When you buy fresh produce and freeze it, you save money that you would have invested in buying frozen vegetables from the market.

Things to know about how you Can you Freeze Fresh Brussel Sprouts

  • To cut the sprouts away from the stalk, place your brussels sprouts over a bowl.
  • Go through the pile, looking at each one individually, and remove any spoiled or eaten parts. Also, cut the bottoms flush with the sprout.
  • If you have many brussels sprouts, you may want to divide them into parts so that they all steam uniformly.
  • If your sprouts are not the same size, group them by size because you want to blanch them based on size. Small sprouts should be blanched for three minutes, medium for four, and large sprouts should be blanched for five minutes.
  • The blanching process is key; to avoid post-freezer mushiness, try not to overheat while blanching.
  • Start the timer right when you put the sprouts in the boiling water and have a large bowl of very icy water ready to go, so you can quickly place them in ice to halt the cooking.
  • If your sprouts are a different size: The amount you cool down in ice water should match the cooking time.
  • Make sure the sprouts are totally dry before freezing.

How Can you Freeze Brussel Sprouts?

There are two ways in which you freeze your Brussels sprouts:

  • Quick-freeze Brussels sprouts individually
  • Package freezing

Steps to freeze Brussels sprouts individually:

  1. Wash the sprouts to remove dirt or some insect hitchhikers
  2. Cut off the stalks and pulled off all the remaining leaves
  3. Blanch your brussels sprouts for 4 minutes or depending on the size.
  4. Cool off Brussels sprouts in icy-cold water for four minutes to cool down and stop the cooking process.
  5. Remove the excess water off; you can use a salad spinner and, after placing it on a clean towel, dry a bit more.
  6. Place them on a cookie sheet so that they will freeze individually and put inside the freezer.
  7. Leave them overnight, and on the next morning, place them in pint bags, date, and put them back into the freezer.
  8. Remove as much air as possible from bags before sealing.
  9. The Brussel sprouts are good to go for about 12 months.

Steps to package freezing:

If you don’t have a big enough space for freezing on a tray, you can use this method. These Brussels sprouts will be delicious to get out and bake or steam.

  1. Wash the sprouts to remove dirt or some insect hitchhikers
  2. Cut off the stalks and pulled off all the remaining leaves
  3. Blanch your brussels sprouts for 4 minutes or depending on the size.
  4. Cool off Brussels sprouts in icy-cold water for four minutes to cool down and stop the cooking process.
  5. Remove the excess water, use a salad spinner, and put it on a clean towel to dry a bit more.
  6. Pack the sprouts in serving-size groups directly into freezer bags.
  7. Keep in a single layer and avoid overpacking.

Brussel sprouts recipes

A lot of people do not enjoy the flavor of Brussels sprouts, especially the youngest. However, these mini cabbages lookalikes aren’t only for the Christmas season; when cooked properly, brussels sprouts are crunchy and offer a delicious nutty, slightly sweet, and smoky flavor.
Many recipes in which the flavor of Brussels sprouts really shines through; check out the recipes below, and don’t forget to choose your favorite.

Easy Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Can you Freeze Fresh Brussel Sprouts: Easy Roasted Brussels Sprouts

1 pound Brussels sprouts
Extra-virgin olive oil for drizzling
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 425° and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Slice the Brussels sprouts in half, toss with drizzles of olive oil and pinches of salt and pepper, and spread on the baking sheet.
  3. Roast 20 to 30 minutes or until tender and golden brown around the edges.

Sautéed Brussels Sprouts

Can you Freeze Fresh Brussel Sprouts: Sautéed Brussels Sprouts

1 pound Brussels sprouts
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp kosher salt
¼ tsp black pepper
1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar or lemon juice
1 to 2 tbsp. raw pine nuts
Chopped fresh herbs
A handful of Parmesan


  1. Heat a large cast-iron over medium-high for 4 minutes. Add the oil. As soon as the oil is hot and shining, swirl to cost the pan, then add the halved Brussels sprouts. Let sit completely undisturbed for 5 to 8 minutes.
  2. Add the salt and pepper and keep cooking, stirring every few minutes, until the Brussels sprouts are browned.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in the vinegar, then the pine nuts or almonds.

Freezin Brussel sprouts don’t seem so complicated after all, what about freezing fresh mozzarella?