Tips For A Good CV – Getting The Basics Right

Honestly, there is no wrong or right way to write a CV. However, there are certain sections you must cover or get the basics right. Examples include; contact and personal information, qualification and education background, work experience and history, personal interests, relevant skills related to the job you are applying, hobbies, achievements, and some references.


Presentation is key when it comes to having a good CV. In other words, a good CV should be clearly and carefully presented and printed on a clean white paper. It should be well structured, clear and not folded or crumpled. Therefore, you should use an A4 envelope to post your application.

NOTE: Recruiters always look at the upper middle section of the first page. For this reason, it is important to include your most important information there.

Do Not Exceed More Than Two A4 Pages

It is common knowledge that CVs should be clear, short, and to the point. However, what you write should not go on and on, exceeding two pages. In a nutshell, your CV acts as a reassurance to potential employers and it is your opportunity to tick the right boxes. If you get everything right, there is a chance you will get a job interview.

Keep in mind that employees always receive many CVs when an opportunity arises. Therefore, it is unlikely they will read each one cover to cover. A majority will make a judgment about a CV within sections, and wise to stick to a maximum of 2 pages.

Understanding The Job Description

Job applications have clues regarding the job, and it is important to read the information from start to finish. Before writing your CV, take notes and bullet point things you can satisfy as well as those you cannot. Regarding the areas that you are lacking, it is wise to fill in the blanks by adjusting the skills you have. What does this mean? Well, for example, assuming that the job needs someone with sales experience; there is nothing stopping you from using retail work you did in the past (even if you were simply looking for money to pay your bills through college or university). This demonstrates the skills you have and how they are transferable.

Tailoring The CV To The Application

The moment you have analyzed the job application and learned the way to match every requirement; the next step is to create a CV specifically for that role. Remember, there is nothing like a General CV. To be successful, every CV you send to an employer should be tailored to a specific role. General CVs never work; even if you send thousands of them.

The bottom line is that you should create a unique CV for every job you apply. Remember, you do not have to rewrite the whole thing, just change few details to make it relevant.

  • Making the most of skills

Your CV should include a CV section. Under this section, you should highlight all key skills that might help you stand from the rest. Examples may include, speaking foreign languages, problem-solving skills, team player, computer skills, and even communication skills.

Remember, skills develop even from unlikely situations or places. For this reason, you should take time and really think about it. For example, like being in a local sports team, voluntary group, etc.

  • Making the most of interests

Highlight relevant things that boast the skills you have gained under the interest section. This is the place to describe an example that showed team plating, a position of responsibility, or something that shows your initiative. For example, if you ran your university’s newspaper, you can highlight it under the interest section. It is important to note that it should be relevant.

Include this that shows your skills, interests and how diverse you are. Remember, you should never include passive interests such as watching TV or other solitary hobbies. This can be seen or perceived that you lack people skills. You should always make yourself sound really interesting.

  • Include references

References are persons or organizations that can prove your claims. This mainly includes your past employers. If it is your first time looking for a job, then you can use your teachers, trainer, or tutor as referees. It is recommended to include more than two.

If you want some more CV advice then take a look at this post from Charles Hunter Associates.

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